Ettie Street Project is a collaboration between Tom Lattanand, Rob Gwin, and various musicians in the Bay Area music community. From 2007 through 2012, their Oakland studio on Ettie Street, the Orange Room, was a hub of musical experimentation, gatherings, and performances. This album reflects this time.
“The Simplest Possible Setup” is released as a tribute to one of our drummers, Jorgen Stensson, who passed away in December of 2012. Jorgen was a brilliant musician, DJ, and sound engineer whose meticulous ears pushed us and everyone around him to work at our highest levels.
released October 14, 2013
Produced by Tom Lattanand and Rob Gwin
Mixed by Tom Lattanand
Tracks 5 and 10 mixed by Jorgen Stensson, Marcel Cacdac, and Tom Lattanand
Mastered by Stephen Barncard
Special thanks to: Scott Theakston, Tim Bremner, John Merrill, Bill Witter, Marcel Cacdac, and Steve Barncard.
Tom Lattanand (guitar, vocals, keyboards, synths), Rob Gwin (bass, synths), Damon Hope (drums trks 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11), Micah McClain (drums trks 1,2,4), Jorgen Stensson (drums trks 5, 10), John Merrill (percussion trks 1,2,4,6,8,), Bill Witter (tabla trk 2), Artemis Robison (vocals trks 2,11), Audio Angel (vocals trks 1,5), Emily Rich (vocals trk 4), Sylvain Carton (bari and alto sax trks 3,6,8,11), Mitch Marcus (tenor and alto sax trks 5,10), Henry Hung (trumpet trks 3,6,8,10,11), Cornelius Boots (bari and alto sax trk 3), Liz Larson (trombone trk 9), Joey Chang (cello trk 1)
Recorded and mixed at the Orange Room in Oakland, CA
Cover Art by Anastasia Lattanand
Copyright 2013